Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:25 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
American Idiot
Song Author
Brett Kaplan
File Size
133 KB
My heart is beat-ing from me
I am stand-ing all a-lone
Please call me on-ly
If you are com-ing home
Waste an-oth-er year flies by
Waste a night or two
You taught me how to live
In the streets of shame
Where you've lost your dreams in the rain
There's no signs of hope
The stems and seeds of the last of the dope
There's a glow of light
The Saint Jim-my is the spark in the night
Bear-ing gifts and trust
A fix-ture in the cit-y of lust
What the hell's your name
What's your pleas-ure what is your pain
Do you dream too much
Do you think what you need is a crutch
In the crowd of pain
Saint Jim-my comes with-out an-y shame
He says we're fucked up but we're not the same
And mom and dad are the ones you can blame
Jim-my died to- day
He blew his brains out in-to the bay
In the state of mind
It's my own pri-vate su- i-cide
Well no-bod-y cares
Well no-bod-y cares
Does an-y-one care
If no-bod-y cares
Well no-bod-y cares
Well no-bod-y cares
Does an-y-one care
If no-bod-y cares
Je-sus fill-ing out pa-per-work now
At the fa-cil-i-ty on East 12th Street
He's not lis-ten-ing to a word now
He's in his own world and he's day-dream-ing
He'd rath-er be do-ing some-thing else, now
Like cig-a-rettes and cof-fee with the un-der-bel-ly
His life's on the line with anx-i-e-ty now
She had e-nough and he's had plen-ty
Some-bod-y get me out of here
An-y-bod-y get me out of here
Some-bod-y get me out of here
Get me the fuck right out of here
So far a-way
I don't wam-na stay
Get me out of here right now
I just want to be free
Is there a pos-si-bi-i-ty
Get me out of here right now
This life-like dream ain't for me
I fell a-sleep
While watch-ing Spike T V
Af-ter ten cups of cof-fee
And you're still not here
Dream-ing of a song but
Some-thing went wrong
And you can't tell an-y-one
'Cause no one's here
Left me here a-lone
When I should have stayed home
Af-ter ten cups of cof-fee
I'm think-ing
No-bod-y likes you
Ev-'ry-one left you
They're all out with-out you
Hav-in' fun
Ev-'ry-one left you
No-bod-y likes you
They're all out with-out you
Hav-in' fun
I got a rock and roll band
I got a rock and roll life
I got a rock and roll girl-friend
And an-oth-er ex-wife
I got a rock and roll house
I got a rock and roll car
I play the shit out the drums
And I can play the gui-tar
I got a kid in New York
I got a kid in the bay
I have-n't drank or smoked noth-in'
In o-ver twen-ty two days
So get off of my case
Off of my case
Off of my case
Here they come march-ing down the street
Like a des-per-a-tion mur-mur of a heart beat
Com-ing back from the edge of town
Un-der-neath their feet
The time has come and it's go-in' no-where
No-bod-y ev-er said that life was fair, now
Go-karts and guns are trea-sures they will bare
In the sum-mer heat
The world is spin-ning a-round
And round out of con-trol a-gain
From the Sev-en E-lev-en to the
Fear of break-ing down
So send my love a let-ter bomb
And vis-it me in hell
We're the ones go-ing
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
I start-ed fuck-in' run-ning
As soon as my feet touched ground
We're back in the bar-ri -o
And to you and me
That's jin-gle town, that's
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
We're com-ing home a-gain
No-bod-y likes you
Ev-'ry one left you
They're all out with-out you
Hav-ing fun